Project Gallery


Lily Higgins & Ioana Lupascu

An urban exploration game for two people walking 15-meters apart. 

W_NDER is a game for two people to explore their neighbourhood while getting to know each other in times of social distancing. W_nder is an urban exploration game played in pairs of two. Walking 15-meters apart while talking on the phone, you’ll get to know each other and the city better by following your spontaneous curiosity.

The W a nderer drifts freely through the streets followed behind by the spontaneous curiosity. The W a nderer drifts freely through the streets followed behind by the W o nderer, who asks them questions and prompts them to explore the city in specific ways. “Look up to your left, what do you see? What does it remind you of?” “Sit somewhere you’re not supposed to sit.” “Only walk in the sunny spots.”

The roles switch organically. The game can also be played in big groups where the pairs interchange at set time intervals. The W_NDER Playbook offers guidance to the explorers, but how each pair of players chooses to wander and wonder through the city is limitless.

Find more about the game and how to play it HERE

LILY HIGGINS: Lily is an experience designer who likes to explore the future of life in cities through urban play interventions. | @lilyobserves |

IOANA LUPASCU: Ioana is a multifaceted architectural designer exploring the poetics of space and emergent play through graphic form, installations and experiences. | @ioana_lupascu |

Trust in Play is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union


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